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Prop Maker

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

As a prop-maker I work with a variety of materials such as temper, latex, fibreglass, end metal, latex, fibreglass, wood, textiles and 3D Printing . The amount of hours I would depends on the job on hand and would rely on the needs of the fruit. I work in a 10X8' workshop. I hope one day to work in a studio, workshop or prop room, which may be backstage at a theatre or on a skin or TV plant. I use many different tools – anything from paintbrushes to welding equipment.

My Working conditions are cramped and dusty, I work with chemicals such as adhesives, paints and chemicals. Working with studio made props (some of those who made and use them) we exchange the face of replica props forever.

I am passionate and talented prop-maker and delve mysteriously into the story of each film I manufacture on, relieve realistic replicas that Hollywood films cannot do without.

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