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PPE - Goggles and visors

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

I have been inundated with calls from G.P’s/Nurses/Doctors and every health care professional I care to count and have been told on a daily basis, the word might be PPE is getting out, but it’s not getting out fast enough. I am a 3D Printing Co, but as of last week, I have run out of plastics to maintain the demand and cannot source any fast enough. I have not profited from the making of PPE and I now offer injection molding at cost to meet a demand that is there but isn't being filled. I have reached out to a number of organisations and thought the more professionals/front-line workers that have access - the better. If you know of anyone who would benefit from reading this, please let them know. If you would like to chat, my number is 07507 988 167 ------------------------------------------ I have been approached with respect to specifically manufacturing goggles. After contacting an injection molding company I have been advised there is 'tooling time' with a lead time of 2 weeks. After this point, the output is approximately 5,000 a week.

Output for visors is in the region of 5,000 a week.

Please find attached PDF and the cost outlined below Goggles – minimum order is 20,000 Visors – Min order is 1000 Kind regards Tom Aurora 3D Printing Co

see website footer for PPE information

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